Times of the School Day



Lunch time



Morning Session:  8:45-11:45 am

Afternoon Session:  12:15-3:15 pm​

Full time:  8:45- 3:15 pm

Reception and KS1


11:30 am – 12:30pm




12.15pm – 1.15pm

Years 1,2 and 3



Arrival at the school building:

Our school day starts at 8:45am for all year groups. Classroom doors open at 8:40 am or in KS2 teachers are on the playground for 8:40 am to greet children and parents/ carers.  Children should please arrive for this time, when the doors will be opened for children to enter the school.  Please note that all children should be accompanied and supervised by parent or carer before school. You will always find a member of SLT, as well as other members of staff, on the playground each morning should you wish to speak to someone.


Registers are taken at 8:55am.  Whilst registers are being taken, children will be engaged in learning activities, such as spelling, grammar and reading or the practising of multiplication tables.  It is therefore important that children please get to school on time. Parents and carers of children arriving after 8:55 am are required to take their child to the main school entrance and sign the Late Arrivals book.  Children arriving after 8:55am will receive a late mark in the school register.

Morning Lessons:

Morning lessons will generally focus on the teaching of English and mathematics.  More information on what these sessions might entail can be found via our Curriculum page.  

Break times:

Break times take place at either 10:10 am (KS1 and Reception) or 10:25 am (KS2), and last for fifteen minutes.  We currently have free fruit available for children in KS1 and Early years. Children should not, therefore, need to bring in a snack from home.  However, if you do prefer your child to bring their own snack in, please ensure that this is fruit based, or otherwise healthy.

The children play games in the main playground, and when the weather is warm and fine, the field is made available.  At the end of break time, the children line up.  Class teachers come out to meet their classes on the playground and to escort them back in.

Children in reception and nursery classes have their own designated and beautifully resourced area in which to play at break and lunch times.


A team of dinner supervisors and teaching assistants supervise activities throughout the lunchtime.  Parents may express a preference that their child receives a balanced, hot meal or they may choose to send their child in with a packed lunch from home each day. Dietary requirements are catered for as much as possible, and parents can look at the menu to see which options are most suitable, the catering team are more than happy to help with this. 

​Afternoon lessons:

Lunchtime for KS1 and EYFS starts at 11:30 am and finish at 12:30 pm, for KS2 lunch starts at 12:15 pm and end at 1:15pm. The children are collected from the playground by their class teachers at the end of lunch. Afternoon lessons are generally more topic based and focused on the holistic learning of a wide variety of curricular areas, including the humanities, PSHE (RSE), computing, French, science, art and design technology, PE.


Our assemblies cover a wide range of activities and events to celebrate learning and achievements right across the school! Assemblies will generally last 20-25 minutes in length.

In addition to the 'standard' assemblies, we will also have a wide variety of specialist assemblies, celebrating everything from music to sport!

End of the Day:

The school day ends at 3:15pm for all children.  Children are led out by their teachers who will wait until they make visual contact with a parent or authorised carer that they know and recognise before they hand over your child.  Whilst this may take slightly longer, you can be assured that you child will never be released to anyone that we do not know is fully authorised to collect them.  For this reason, please introduce us personally to any adult that you wish to be able to collect your child.  If the adult collecting will be different due to something happening during the school day, please ring the office to notify us. A slip with this information will then be given to the class teacher. We will not allow children to go with an unknown adult without parents prior permission. Please also note that no person under the age of sixteen may collect a child from the school.

Should your child be in year six, and you want them to make their own way home, please provide us with this request by filling out a form from the office.  We will not permit any year six child to go home unaccompanied unless we have received this information.


Our Breakfast club runs from 8:00 am every morning and the children are provided with a hot or cold breakfast and a range of art, sporting activities and games to do. It costs £1.00 per day and can be paid for on parent mail. Please come in via the main gate to the office to drop your child off.

After school clubs run from 3:15 pm until 4:00 pm and 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm. Sessions cost £2.50 per session or £5.00 for both (3:15 am to 5:00 pm) There is a variety of clubs that can be signed up for including sports, games, computing, arts, nature and cooking via parentmail. Please look on parent mail for the full list and booking.